Pioneering Insights: A legacy of Impactful research & thought leadership
With a robust foundation in both academia and the private sector, Jennifer has a rich publication history spanning critical topics such as urban resilience, civil protection, and energy infrastructure security. From co-authoring influential studies at ETH Zurich to contributing thought-provoking articles on crisis mapping and resilience, her work has consistently aimed to enhance societal security and foster a deeper understanding of social systems and behavior. In 2015, she transitioned to the private sector, where her writing shifted to behind-the-scenes work, focusing on transforming organizational practices and systems.
A vicious cycle: The growth of terrorism and counterterrorism in Nigeria, 1999–2016, in Non-Western responses to terrorism (with Michael Nwankpa) (2020)
Accidents in the Energy Sector and Energy Infrastructure Attacks in the Context of Energy Security. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 6. 271-283. (with Burgherr, Peter & Spada, Matteo) (2015).
The Good, The Bad, and The Sometimes Ugly: Complexity as Both Threat and Opportunity in the Vital Systems Security Discourse, (with Dunn Cavelty, Myriam) in World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2013), edited by Emilian Kavalski.
Research Note on the Energy Infrastructure Attack Database, Perspective on Terrorism Journal (with Peter Burgherr and Laura Melkaunaite) (2013)
Canvassing the Targeting of Energy Infrastructure: The Energy Infrastructure Attack Database, Journal of Energy Security (with Peter Burgherr) (2012)
Terrorism and Political Violence in Africa: Contemporary Trends in a Shifting Terrain (co-author: James Forest) in Perspective on Terrorism Journal, Special Issue on Terrorism, Political Violence and Armed Conflicts in Africa (co-edited with James Forest) (September 2011)
Perspectives on Nigeria: Internal Conflict, Oil Politics, Transnational Security Risks, and Opportunities for Peace in the Niger Delta (co-edited with Ibaba Samuel Ibaba and Michael J. Watts), Special Issue in Journal of African Security (January - March 2011)
A Portrait of Complexity: New Actors and Contemporary Challenges in the Global Energy System and the Role of Energy Infrastructure Security (April 2010)
Global Platforms and Big Returns: Energy infrastructure targeting in the 21st Century (January 2010)
The Relationship Between Energy Infrastructure Attacks and Crude Oil Prices (co-author: Caroline Hilpert) (October 2009)
The Tormented Triangle: The Regionalization of Conflict in Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic ( April 2009)
Targeting Energy Infrastructure: Examining the Threat in North Africa and Broader Implications ( January 2009)
Turmoil in the Delta: Trends and Implications, Perspectives on Terrorism ( May 2008)
Urban Resilience: Considering technical and social infrastructures in complex human systems, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2014) (co- author: Michel Herzog)
Big Data and Civil Protection: Balancing the prospects of data and the complexity of human behavior, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2014) (co- author: Michel Herzog)
Civil Protection Trends 2013: Environment, Technology, & Society, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (forthcoming) (co- authors: Tim Prior, Michel Herzog, Florian Roth)
Trends in Resilience: Spotlight on Teaching & Learning Resilience, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2013)
Crisis Mapping in Switzerland: A Stakeholder Analysis, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-authors: Michel Herzog, Florian Roth) (2013)
ICT & Social Media: Opportunities & Risks for Government, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-author: Florian Roth) (2013)
Expressions of Resilience: From ‘Bounce Back’ to Adaptation, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-author: Tim Prior) (2013)
Conceptualizing the Crisis Mapping Phenomenon: Insights on Behavior and the Coordination of Agents and Information in Complex Crisis, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)
Assessing Threats in Cyberspace Interrogating Methodological Approaches & The Challenges of Today's Complex Risk Environment, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)
The Changing Dynamics of Crisis Communication Evidence from the Aftermath of the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)
Using Scenarios to Assess Risks: Examining Trends in the Public Sector, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)
Through the Prism of Complexity: Insights on building resilience, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2010)
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP): Protection Goals, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-authors: Elgin Brunner, Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Manuel Suter) (2009)
Risk Analysis: Risk Communication in the Public Sector, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-authors: Jonas Hagmann and Myriam Dunn Cavelty) (September 2009)
Examining Resilience – A concept to improve societal security and technical safety, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-author: Elgin Brunner) (June 2009)
Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure to intentional attacks? The interplay of resource, conflict and security. (with Burgherr, Peter & Spada, Matteo. (2014)
It’s time to rethink our cities. ETH Ambassadors, Stories from around the globe (2022)
Targeting Energy Infrastructure blog (archive)
#NigeriaOnTheEdge, CSS Policy Perspectives 2(2) (May 2014) (with Raymond Gilpin)
West Africa: Bright Future?, ISN Special Report (September 2013)
The Path Not Taken: Conflict and Identity in Nigeria, World Politics Review, Special Feature, September (2013) (with Raymond Gilpin)
Attacks on Energy Infrastructure are on the Rise: Warning signs and recommendations for Europe, EuroView for Secure Europe (SecEUR), (June, 2013) (co-author: Peter Burgherr)
Tackling Energy Infrastructure Vulnerability in Violence-Prone Zones, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, (February 2013) (co-author: Raymond Gilpin)
Regional Security Lessons from the Attack on Algeria's In Amenas Gas Plant, USIP Olive Branch, (January 2013) (co-authors: Raymond Gilpin, Fatima Kyari Mohammed and Shade" Brown)
Complexity – or the Governance of the Inherently Unpredictable (2011) (co-author Myriam Dunn Cavelty)
Crisis Mapping: A Phenomenon and Tool in Emergencies (2011) (co-author Myriam Dunn Cavelty)
Crowdsourcing Through Crisis: Evidence of Adaptability & Resilience (March 2011), in Resilience and National Security in an Uncertain World
Network Governance and the Role of Public-Private Partnerships (co-author: Manuel Suter) (February 2010)
Resilience: A Tool for Preparing and Managing Emergencies (September 2009)
Taking Advantage of the Energy Security Environment, ISN Special Report, Energy Infrastructure Exposed (August 2009)
We All Have a Role to Play, ISN Report ( July 2009)
Small Group Threats to Global Energy Infrastructure, ISN Special Issue (May 2009)
Historic Victory at an Extraordinary Time, ISN Special Report, America's New Dawn? (November 2008)
Looking Back and Examining the Road Ahead, ISN Special Report, The Evolution of Terrorism (September 2008)
Africa's Growing Strategic Relevance, CSS Analyses, Center for Security Studies (July 2008)