Pioneering Insights: A legacy of Impactful research & thought leadership

With a robust foundation in both academia and the private sector, Jennifer has a rich publication history spanning critical topics such as urban resilience, civil protection, and energy infrastructure security. From co-authoring influential studies at ETH Zurich to contributing thought-provoking articles on crisis mapping and resilience, her work has consistently aimed to enhance societal security and foster a deeper understanding of social systems and behavior. In 2015, she transitioned to the private sector, where her writing shifted to behind-the-scenes work, focusing on transforming organizational practices and systems.


  • Accidents in the Energy Sector and Energy Infrastructure Attacks in the Context of Energy Security. European Journal of Risk Regulation. 6. 271-283. (with Burgherr, Peter & Spada, Matteo) (2015).

  • The Good, The Bad, and The Sometimes Ugly: Complexity as Both Threat and Opportunity in the Vital Systems Security Discourse, (with Dunn Cavelty, Myriam) in World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Reflections on Complexity and Global Life (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2013), edited by Emilian Kavalski.

  • Research Note on the Energy Infrastructure Attack Database, Perspective on Terrorism Journal (with Peter Burgherr and Laura Melkaunaite) (2013)

  • Canvassing the Targeting of Energy Infrastructure: The Energy Infrastructure Attack Database, Journal of Energy Security (with Peter Burgherr) (2012)

  • Terrorism and Political Violence in Africa: Contemporary Trends in a Shifting Terrain (co-author: James Forest) in Perspective on Terrorism Journal, Special Issue on Terrorism, Political Violence and Armed Conflicts in Africa (co-edited with James Forest) (September 2011)

  • Perspectives on Nigeria: Internal Conflict, Oil Politics, Transnational Security Risks, and Opportunities for Peace in the Niger Delta (co-edited with Ibaba Samuel Ibaba and Michael J. Watts), Special Issue in Journal of African Security (January - March 2011)

  • A Portrait of Complexity: New Actors and Contemporary Challenges in the Global Energy System and the Role of Energy Infrastructure Security (April 2010)

  • Global Platforms and Big Returns: Energy infrastructure targeting in the 21st Century (January 2010)

  • The Relationship Between Energy Infrastructure Attacks and Crude Oil Prices (co-author: Caroline Hilpert) (October 2009)

  • The Tormented Triangle: The Regionalization of Conflict in Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic ( April 2009)

  • Targeting Energy Infrastructure: Examining the Threat in North Africa and Broader Implications ( January 2009)

  • Turmoil in the Delta: Trends and Implications, Perspectives on Terrorism ( May 2008)


  • Urban Resilience: Considering technical and social infrastructures in complex human systems, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2014) (co- author: Michel Herzog)

  • Big Data and Civil Protection: Balancing the prospects of data and the complexity of human behavior, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2014) (co- author: Michel Herzog)

  • Civil Protection Trends 2013: Environment, Technology, & Society, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (forthcoming) (co- authors: Tim Prior, Michel Herzog, Florian Roth)

  • Trends in Resilience: Spotlight on Teaching & Learning Resilience, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2013)

  • Crisis Mapping in Switzerland: A Stakeholder Analysis, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-authors: Michel Herzog, Florian Roth) (2013)

  • ICT & Social Media: Opportunities & Risks for Government, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-author: Florian Roth) (2013)

  • Expressions of Resilience: From ‘Bounce Back’ to Adaptation, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-author: Tim Prior) (2013)

  • Conceptualizing the Crisis Mapping Phenomenon: Insights on Behavior and the Coordination of Agents and Information in Complex Crisis, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)

  • Assessing Threats in Cyberspace Interrogating Methodological Approaches & The Challenges of Today's Complex Risk Environment, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)

  • The Changing Dynamics of Crisis Communication Evidence from the Aftermath of the 2011 Tsunami in Japan, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)

  • Using Scenarios to Assess Risks: Examining Trends in the Public Sector, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2012)

  • Through the Prism of Complexity: Insights on building resilience, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (2010)

  • Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP): Protection Goals, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-authors: Elgin Brunner, Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Manuel Suter) (2009)

  • Risk Analysis: Risk Communication in the Public Sector, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-authors: Jonas Hagmann and Myriam Dunn Cavelty) (September 2009)

  • Examining Resilience – A concept to improve societal security and technical safety, Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich (co-author: Elgin Brunner) (June 2009)


  • Vulnerability of Energy Infrastructure to intentional attacks? The interplay of resource, conflict and security. (with Burgherr, Peter & Spada, Matteo. (2014)

  • It’s time to rethink our cities. ETH Ambassadors, Stories from around the globe (2022)

  • Targeting Energy Infrastructure blog (archive)

  • #NigeriaOnTheEdge, CSS Policy Perspectives 2(2) (May 2014) (with Raymond Gilpin)

  • West Africa: Bright Future?, ISN Special Report (September 2013)

  • The Path Not Taken: Conflict and Identity in Nigeria, World Politics Review, Special Feature, September (2013) (with Raymond Gilpin)

  • Attacks on Energy Infrastructure are on the Rise: Warning signs and recommendations for Europe, EuroView for Secure Europe (SecEUR), (June, 2013) (co-author: Peter Burgherr)

  • Tackling Energy Infrastructure Vulnerability in Violence-Prone Zones, Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, (February 2013) (co-author: Raymond Gilpin)

  • Regional Security Lessons from the Attack on Algeria's In Amenas Gas Plant, USIP Olive Branch, (January 2013) (co-authors: Raymond Gilpin, Fatima Kyari Mohammed and Shade" Brown)

  • Complexity – or the Governance of the Inherently Unpredictable (2011) (co-author Myriam Dunn Cavelty)

  • Crisis Mapping: A Phenomenon and Tool in Emergencies (2011) (co-author Myriam Dunn Cavelty)

  • Crowdsourcing Through Crisis: Evidence of Adaptability & Resilience (March 2011), in Resilience and National Security in an Uncertain World

  • Network Governance and the Role of Public-Private Partnerships (co-author: Manuel Suter) (February 2010)

  • Resilience: A Tool for Preparing and Managing Emergencies (September 2009)

  • Taking Advantage of the Energy Security Environment, ISN Special Report, Energy Infrastructure Exposed (August 2009)

  • We All Have a Role to Play, ISN Report ( July 2009)

  • Small Group Threats to Global Energy Infrastructure, ISN Special Issue (May 2009)

  • Historic Victory at an Extraordinary Time, ISN Special Report, America's New Dawn? (November 2008)

  • Looking Back and Examining the Road Ahead, ISN Special Report, The Evolution of Terrorism (September 2008)

  • Africa's Growing Strategic Relevance, CSS Analyses, Center for Security Studies (July 2008)